Projects Energy Efficiency in industry.
- Monitoring energy efficiency of sand-lime production; Central Sales Office for sand-lime (Centraal Verkoop Kantoor voor de kalkzandsteen (CVK)), Hilversum
- Supporting LTA-monitoring; Novem (Agentschap NL) in Sittard
- 22 energy efficiency plans Margarine-, Fats- and edible Oil Industry (Margarine-, Vetten- en Oliënindustrie (MVO); Productschap MVO Rijswijk, in cooperation with two other consulting companies
- 13 Energy efficiency plans for the dairy industry Friesland Coberco Dairy Food (FCDF) in Meppel, in cooperation with 3 other consulting companies
- 50 Energy efficiency plans for the ceramics industry (Dutch: KNB); Novem (Agentschap NL) in Sittard, in cooperation with one other consulting company
- 11 Energy efficiency plans for companies in the sand-lime industry; Novem (Agentschap NL) in Sittard
- Energy monitoring system for sand-lime factory “de Hazelaar” in Echt
- Long term plan for the margarine, fats and edible oil industry; Novem (Agentschap NL)
- Long term plan for the sand-lime industry; Novem (Agentschap NL)
- Long term plan for the dairy industry; Novem (Agentschap NL)
- Application of membranes in non-water systems; Productschap MVO
- Study on CHP installations: Cargill Amsterdam
- Long term plan for the fruit and vegetable processing industry; Novem (Agentschap NL)
- Developing formats for manuals and procedures for energy management: Productschap MVO
- Workshops on energy management in the MVO-sector; Productschap MVO (19 companies)
- 5 ’eenergy efficieny plans for dairy companies FCDF; Novem (Agentschap NL)
- LTA-monitoring for the MVO-sector in 2002 and 2003; Novem (Agentschap NL)
- Preparation of an investment in CHP. Cargill
- Cluster project energy management in the dairy branch (12 companies)
- Optimisation of energy supply MVO-company
- Integration of energy management in a certified quality system of dairy company Borculo Domo Ingredients (BDI) in Borculo
- Cluster project energy management in coffee-roasting companies (9 companies)
- revision of environmental licence; Van Dijk Food Products Zeewolde
- Composition of an energy efficiency plan at Wienerberger Reuver
- Feasibility study on cooperation in the industrial area Winschoterdiep in Groningen, in cooperation with E-Kwadraat
- Cluster project energy management in 10 companies from the sectors snacks, fruit and vegetable processing industry and dairy
- Energy efficiency plans for 17 companies (over the period 2005-2008), in cooperation with two colleague consulting companies
- LCA preliminary study on coffee pads compared to coffe from vacuum-packed milled coffee beans for the Association of Dutch Coffee Roasters and Tea packers (Vereniging van Nederlands Koffiebranders en Theepakkers (VNKT))
- Possibilities for the application of heat pumps in the MVO-sector (Productschap, SenterNovem (Agentschap NL))
- Research into the possibilities for the transport of MVO-product over water (Productschap MVO, SenterNovem(Agentschap NL))
- Chain-optimisation in the MVO production chain (Productschap MVO, SenterNovem (Agentschap NL))
- Energy consumption analysis Cargill Multiseed Amsterdam
- CO2 en NOx monitoring plan Friesland Foods Domo in Borculo
- Energy optimisation of batch processes at AAK in Zaandijk using ProcSim
- Energy optimisation of batch processes at Friesland Foods using ProcSim
- Energy efficiency plans (EEP) for 17 companies (over the period 2009-2012), in cooperation with two colleague consulting companies
- Support of the dairy industry in the composition of new energy efficiency plans (BEMP) for 11 companies (over the 2009-2012), in cooperation with three colleague consulting companies.
- Energy consumption analysis AAK Zaandijk
- Energy management documentation Calduran
- Energy consumption analysis FrieslandCampina Borculo
- Energy consumption analysis Cargill Botlek
- Review of energy efficiency options for the MVO sector, in cooperation with two colleague consulting companies
- Energy consumption analysis FC Butter Lochem
- Energy efficiency plan at Scandinavian Tobacco Group, Eersel
- Optimisation of the powder coat ovens - energy balance powder coat line
- Optimisation of steam systems at various dairy companies and Margarine-, Fats- and edible Oil (MVO) companies
- Supporting a roadmap for the MVO-sector
- Water treatment in the MVO-sector
- Small and micro CHP through the whole chain of food industry
- Feasability study recycling waste water
- Energy consumption analysis and Specific Energy consumptions (Milk Prism) FC Lochem
- Energy efficiency plans (EEP) for 9 companies (over the period 2013-2016) in the edible oil industry
- Energy efficiency plans (EEP) for 17 companies (over the period 2013-2016)in the dairy industry, in cooperation with one colleague consulting company
- Cost calculation model of water for the margarine, fats and edible oil (MVO) industry
- Energy consumption analysis for a company in the MVO industry
- Study to reuse proces condensate water
- Study to optimize the heat supply
- Road map options in the MVO industry
- Water benchmark in the MVO industry
- Heat recovery of spray dryers at 2 dairy companies
Projects Energy efficiency built environment
1. Energy efficiency research office buidling.
2. Energy optimisation for the new employees building at the horticulture Beegdenhof, Hunsel.
3. Various energy scans and energy contract investigations for companies in the Tilburg area.
4. Energy scans for SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) in Limburg granted by the Chamber of Commerce Limburg.
5. Energy costs of district heating comparison of energy costs of gas heating at the industrial zone Vossenberg, in the Tilburg area
in collaboration with BZW / BORT.
6. Technical support in a legal dispute on the malfunctioning of an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) system.
7. Energy scans for several catering establishments.
Projects Energy contracts
- Van Dijk Food Products Lopik
- Tuinderij Beegdenhof - 2 locations, also determine the capacity of new connections
- Various companies in the Tilburg area
- Furniture processing industry – various companies in the province of Noord-Brabant
- Building company with 8 locations in Noord-Brabant
- Multi-tenant building for companies in Weert
- Apartments complex with 50 connections
- Verification of cost calculations based on the principle that the cost for renewable energy should not be higher than the cost for conventional energy
Projects in renewable energy
- Renewable energy-scan; 10 horticulture companies Berlikum (Friesland); Novem (Agentschap NL) (sun, wind, biomass, thermal storage of heat and cold )
- Renewable energy scan; Van Dijk Food Products Zeewolde; Novem (Agentschap NL)
- Feasibility study into the application of energy storage in the earth of 10 horticulture companies in Berlikum in cooperation with
- Study on the application of biomass from the food industry for energy generation by means of fermentation
- Case studies for the flour industry, margerine, fats and oil industry and a slaughterhouse usage of biomass for the generation of energy (burning and fermentation)
- Presentations on the application of heat pumps in the province of Limburg (NL)
- Advising the municipality of Tilburg in the realisation of two sustainable industrial areas: Tradepark 58 Noord (20 ha) and Vossenberg West II (100 ha), application of thermal storage of heat and cold in the earth, exploration of other sustainable energy options:
1. Exploration of possibilities (preliminary study) of Tradepark 58 and Vossenberg West II
2. Guidance design study Tradepark 58
3. Guidance in tender (concession for services) Tradepark 58
- Strategic exploration of the anaerobic digestion of manure, study in support of the policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, nature and food quality
- Fermentation of residual flows from the dairy column (dairy farms, dairy companies, retail).
- Developing a biomass calculation model in cooperation with TU/e (Technical University of Eindhoven).
- Organize meetings for companies in the Margarine-, Fats- and edible Oil Industry: apply cooling equipment, heat pumps, heat generation and waste heat utilisation
- Technical support in a legal dispute on the malfunctioning of an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) system
- Small and micro CHP through the whole chain of the food industry
Projects Sustainable industrial zones
- Renewable energy study greenhouse area at Berlikum (Friesland); sun, wind, biomass, thermal storage of heat and cold
- Cooperation between companies at the industrial area Winschoterdiep (Groningen) in the field of logistics, waste streams, energy and water
- Sustainable industrial area Tradepark 58 Noord (T58):
- Preliminary study: exploration of possible application of thermal storage
- Supporting the set up of the tender procedure (concession for services)
- Negotiation of the contract
- consultancy to the engineering agency
- consultancy to the public administration
- Preliminary study for the sustainable industrial zone Vossenberg West, Tilburg